- Online Course: 5 Sessions starts 23 September 2024
This course will offer an introduction to cultural heritage as an international legal concept. It will include discussions of the key threats to cultural heritage at present, including trafficking, armed conflicts, and development. In doing so, it will also cover international instruments that have been adopted over the past decades to protect cultural heritage. Finally, the course will conclude with a special session focused on restitution matters, considering past return processes and what can be learnt from them.
- Course fee: £300
- Course Topics and Tutors
- Cultural Heritage as a Global Concept
Dr Elke Selter, ALIPH - Cultural Heritage within the International Human Rights Framework
Kristin Hausler, BIICL - Combatting the Trafficking of Cultural Objects
Dr Andrzej Jakubowski, Polish Academy of Sciences - An economic perspective on cultural heritage: Cultural Objects as Goods
Dr Francesca Fiorentini, University of Trieste - The protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict
Dr Anne-Marie Carstens, University of Baltimore - Prosecuting and redressing crimes against cultural heritage
Dr Marina Lostal, University of Essex - World Cultural Heritage
Dr Sophie Vigneron, University of Kent - Intangible Cultural Heritage
Prof Lucas Lixinski, UNSW - The Settlement of Inter-State disputes concerned with Cultural Heritage
Dr Alessandro Chechi, Catholic University of Lille - The Restitution of Cultural Heritage
Dr Evelien Campfens, Leiden University
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