
International Summer School enhances heritage professionals’ communication and teaching skills

International Summer School enhances heritage professionals’ communication and teaching skills

The two-week ICCROM International Summer School on Communication and Teaching Skills in Conservation and Science, held in Alberta, Canada, wrapped up on 15 July 2022. The Summer School brought together 16 heritage professionals and educators from 12 countries.

Partner: Athabasca University (Canada's Open Online University)


Successful interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for meaningful conservation actions. A shared understanding of core principles of the diverse fields involved is the basis on which such collaboration is built. In order to strengthen this crucial capacity in today’s and tomorrow’s heritage professionals, communication and teaching skills must be developed on a continual basis. Nevertheless, conservation education programmes and professional development activities are under pressure to deliver more content in less time. Now is the moment to rethink our way of teaching and to explore the potential of new didactic approaches, both face-to-face and virtual, to learn about conservation and science.


Over two weeks we will explore innovative and effective modalities of learning and teaching core concepts of conservation and science, by working on issues identified by the participants and course team. The Summer School will also discuss new approaches and tools for designing educational programmes and training activities.


ICCROM's Summer School will be hosted by Athabasca University and will take place in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. The City of St. Albert, known as The Botanical Arts City, is renowned for its diverse history, rich heritage, artistic community, and natural environment. Originally settled as a Métis (Indigenous) community, it is the oldest, non-fortified community in the Province of Alberta in western Canada, housing the oldest standing building in the province. The course activities will greatly benefit from this resource-rich and inspiring context with strong ties to Indigenous history, culture, and traditions.


This intensive teaching and learning experience will consist of highly interactive sessions at different didactic spaces in St. Albert including Musée Héritage Museum and Grain Elevator Park. Activities will include fieldwork, study visits/tours, and documenting Indigenous Traditional Knowledge. Other relevant sessions will involve activities at historic sites and museums in the nearby City of Edmonton (such as Royal Alberta Museum) and around the region. Athabasca University will provide an online environment for the course activities. The working language will be English.    


Participants will be up to 16 heritage professionals, with at least three years of experience in teaching, either full-time (universities and conservation schools) or alongside another professional practice. The course team will consist of conservation, science and education specialists from the ICCROM network and beyond.


Course fee: 600 euros

Participants will be responsible for their round trip travel costs to and from St. Albert (Canada) and their living costs, including accommodation. Living costs will amount to approximately 900 euros. A limited number of scholarships will be available.

To apply  

Please use the online course application form.

Please note that your personal statement is a fundamental requirement. You are expected to write  approximately 500 words on: “Which phenomena or concepts have you found especially interesting or challenging to teach or learn about, and why?”

In order to finalize your application, the following digital file will be required when completing the online form: official endorsement (allowed formats: pdf doc docx jpg jpeg png tif tiff with a maximum file size of 3 MB).

For any further information, please contact: SummerSchool2020@athabascau.ca