Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali

Sostenere il Patrimonio Digital Risorse 

Le risorse del Sustaining Digital Heritage (Sostenere il Patrimonio Digitale) sono in fase di sviluppo. Vengono forniti link ad alcune risorse esterne rilevanti per il patrimonio digitale.

External Resources (81.97 KB)
The Sustainability Test: A Self-Assessment Tool for Evaluating Digital Sustainability

The Sustainability Test: A Self-Assessment Tool for Evaluating Digital Sustainability

The Sustainability Test: A Self-Assessment Tool for Evaluating Digital Sustainability is a tool for self-assessment intended to help you identify where you are in your sustainability journey. It is ideal for organizations managing digital collections that would like to know if their digital assets would be available over the long- term. This assessment can be completed by one person or, preferably, by a small team. Your team can use the results to help plan your next steps, communicate needs to your leadership or other decision-makers, set annual priorities, choose a project to work on, plan a project, create a funding request and more.
The Digital Imperative: Envisioning the Path to Sustaining our Collective Digital Heritage. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS & OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT

The Digital Imperative: Envisioning the Path to Sustaining our Collective Digital Heritage. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS & OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT

In 2021, ICCROM embarked on a journey to understand the needs, challenges, and goals of heritage professionals whose work relates to sustaining digital heritage. The aim of this inquiry is to develop a proposal for a programme—tentatively called Sustaining Digital Heritage—that could help fill gaps in existing opportunities for capacity development offered on this topic. In order to learn directly from practitioners, interviews were conducted with over 30 heritage professionals from across the globe. This report shares the findings of these discussions and identifies professional development opportunities that could help practitioners develop skills and capacities to sustain digital heritage.
Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage

SOIMA: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage is a web-based and freely downloadable book that offers tips and advice from dedicated professionals from all corners of the world, for the preservation and creative use of sound and image heritage.