International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
​​The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) has partnered with ICCROM

ICCROM partners with Nantucket Historical Association for a graduate student internship programme aimed at a sustainable future of Nantucket’s built heritage in the face of Climate Change

​We are proud partners of a new initiative to involve graduate students in creating a disaster and climate risk management plan for the historic island of Nantucket in Massachusetts, USA. The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) has partnered with ICCROM and Integrated Conservation Resources Inc. and Integrated Conservation Contracting, Inc. (ICR-ICC) and the Weitzman School of Design at the...


Now available for the first time – explore Cultural Heritage 4 Inclusive Growth (CH4IG) projects in Southeast Asia

Now available for the first time – explore the Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth (CH4IG) UK-Southeast Asia Collaboration projects! These projects are some of the many grassroots initiatives taking place in the region. The insights from these case studies have contributed to an expanding knowledge base that will influence future initiatives, policies and interventions.

Interns at ICCROM

Volunteers, fellows and interns contribute to ICCROM’s mission

ICCROM headquarters was a full house in April, May and June – we have been happy hosts of fellows, interns and volunteers from across the globe.

Imam Khan Rajabi

CBH course participant Imam Rajabi from Afghanistan

My name is Imam Khan Rajabi, and I am an archaeologist from Afghanistan. I have spent the last ten years working in the excavation, survey, and conservation of jars alongside national and international teams and institutions in Afghanistan. I recently graduated with my second Master’s: a degree in Geography, Spatial Management, and Heritage for International Cooperation from Florence University.

drm mozambique

ICCROM facilitates workshop for disaster risk management of Mozambique, World Heritage site

From 6 to 9 June 2023, at the invitation of the Government of Mozambique and its partners, ICCROM facilitated a workshop on disaster risk management organized by UNESCO on the Island of Mozambique, a World Heritage site.

Conservation of Built Heritage course wraps up with ceremony in Rome

Conservation of Built Heritage course wraps up with ceremony in Rome

After ten weeks of intensive learning and exchange, we are wrapping up the Conservation of Built Heritage course (CBH), the first in-person ICCROM course in Rome since the pandemic. Conservation practitioners and decision-makers from 18 countries have spent countless hours in hands-on activities across Italy, from ancient Roman sites to visits in Florence, building their skills and devising ideas...

Iraq Heritage Foundation representative and ICCROM Director General Webber Ndoro

Mosul Heritage Recovery Programme’s first graduating class begins new journey

In January, we celebrated the graduation of the first cohort of 25 young architects and civil engineers from our nine-month Heritage Recovery Programme for professional development. Today, we mark the students’ next steps as they embark on their journey of putting their learning into practice in Mosul, Iraq.

Course on built heritage conservation concludes with ceremony in Rome

On Thursday, 1 June, CBH 2023 participants presented their final proposal for conserving Rome's Santa Sabina archaeological area, the study and sampling of which has been a significant component of the course's exercises. They presented their findings and recommendations to students from Glenn Boornazian's concurrent summer school course, providing an excellent opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange. Following the presentations, we gathered with Rome's diplomatic community for a closing ceremony to celebrate the course participants and wish them farewell as they head home to put their skills into action.  
Germaine Joseph, ICCROM, Conservation of Built Heritage participant from Saint Lucia.

CBH course participant: Germaine Joseph from Saint Lucia

Being aware of current challenges in my sector in the Caribbean, I came to the Course seeking formal training and a deeper understanding of the field of resilience and sustainability of heritage buildings to safeguard our historic buildings against deterioration and, more recently, the effects of climate change.


Halfway through the International Course on Conservation of Built Heritage

The International Course on Conservation of Built Heritage (CBH) is our ongoing educational programme designed to explore the multifaceted nature of heritage preservation. The course mainly focuses on sustainability and a variety of ways it can be achieved in heritage conservation practices. The course started on 17 March and will go on until 2 June; with one month to go, participants have...