Managing Collection Environments: Technical Notes and Guidance is a suite of sixteen technical notes from eleven authors presenting a holistic perspective on the sustainable environmental management of collections in museums, galleries, archives, and libraries.

Originally developed for the course “Preserving Collections in the Age of Sustainability,” the publication presents fundamental concepts such as climate physics and data collection/analysis, practical issues and approaches to managing the indoor environment, and broad-scale topics such as historical⁄organizational contexts and consensus building.

Managing Collection Environments: Technical Notes and Guidance presents concepts fundamental for the current workshop, “Changing Climate Management Strategies,” at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Since the technical notes are self-contained and can stand alone in providing insight on specific topics, several of them have been used as recommended reading for workshop sessions on risk assessment, life cycle assessment, standards and guidelines, properties and responses of hygroscopic materials, data collection/analysis, and mechanical and non-mechanical environmental management strategies.

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