Research is a communicative process.  Its value is enhanced through knowledge exchange and incorporation into practice. Though impact has always been the primary motivation for research, designing research that generates impact beyond academia is not straightforward. It takes time, commitment, and a supportive working environment.

To explore the issue of heritage science impact and how this can be strengthened, ICCROM coordinated a workshop on 20 June at the 3rd International Conference for Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA), held on 19-20 June 2017 at the University of Brighton, United Kingdom.

The workshop focused on current aspirations for inclusive research design and how to put them into practice.  It was structured in two parts: a panel discussion that brought together key research stakeholders from within and beyond the heritage science sector, and a group work exercise. A central point of reference was the generation of non-academic impact. The sessions focused on what makes research impactful and how that is achieved. It also explored issues of diversity and the building of strong collaborative partnerships beyond academia for heritage research and preservation. Learn more