Nuestros socios

Agradecemos a todos nuestros socios su confianza y las generosas contribuciones que hacen posible nuestro trabajo. Juntos, seguiremos alcanzando objetivos comunes y teniendo un mayor impacto colectivo.

Periodo del informe: enero - diciembre 2023

Socios País Actividades
URBiS Library Network Italia Library
Vestfold and Telemark County Council Noruega World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Volunteer With Us Foundation for Relief and Development Iraq First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR)
Wildlife Institute of India India World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITR-AP) Regional Advisory Services to the World Heritage Convention , World Heritage Leadership (WHL) , Publications
World Monuments Fund Spain (WMF) Internacional Heritage Management in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
YKRB Foundation for Heritage, Culture, and Development Yemen First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR)
Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage (YOCOCU) Italia Framework of cooperation
ZeeArts Gallery Emiratos Árabes Unidos Architectural Archaeological Tangible Heritage in the Arab Region (ATHAR)