Table of Contents:
- Nicholas Stanley-Price - Excavation and Conservation
- Kate Foley - The Role of the Objects Conservator in Field Archaeology
- Gaël de Guichen - Object Interred, Object Disinterred
- Catherine Sease - First Aid Treatment for Excavated Finds
- UKIC Archaeology Section - Packaging and Storage of Freshly Excavated Artefacts from Archaeological Sites
- Giovanni Scichilone - On-Site Storage of Finds
- John Coles - The Site Record and Publication
- John H. Stubbs - Protection and Presentation of Excavated Structures
- Paolo Mora - Conservation of Excavated Intonaco, Stucco and Mosaics
- Alejandro Alva Balderrama, Giacomo Chiari - Protection and Conservation of Excavated Structures of Mudbrick
- Dieter Mertens - Planning and Executing Anastylosis of Stone Buildings
- Nicholas Stanley-Price - Conservation on Excavations and the 1956 UNESCO Recommendation
- Appendix I - The UNESCO Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations