Centre international d'études
pour la conservation et la
restauration des biens culturels
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FINAL CALL: Nominate a site to the 2025 World Monuments Watch

The deadline to nominate a site to the 2025 World Monuments Watch is approaching on March 15. World Monuments Fund (WMF) invites nominations for heritage places facing urgent challenges. Every two years, the Watch selects 25 places that tell a local story with global relevance and works with...


Join us on 8 March 2024 for the online event #Women4Heritage: At the Helm of Culture-Based Climate Action

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Europa Nostra is pleased to reconvene our growing and dynamic #Women4Heritage network on 8 March 2024, 11:00-12:30 CET. The 2024 edition of the #Women4Heritage online gathering will emphasise the essential role of women leadership in culture-based...

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Call for Entries: 2024 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation

With 290 recipients from 27 regional countries since 2000, the programme launches its current call for entries on 1 March 2024. The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation (‘Awards’) recognizes exemplary efforts by individuals and organizations in the region to restore or...


ICOMOment #1 - Le patrimoine au service de la solidarité ville-campagne

ICOMOS France est ravi de vous inviter à la première de ses nouvelles soirées d’échange en ligne ! En 2024, ICOMOS France lance les ICOMOmentS, des soirées ouvertes à tous et à toutes, pour partager les travaux de l’association et enrichir ses réflexions sur les grands enjeux patrimoniaux. ICOMOment...


Heritage Speaks 2024

What are the threats facing cultural heritage globally? What are the best preservation solutions emerging among experts and local communities? Villa Albertine and World Monuments Fund are pleased to announce the collaborative launch of Heritage Speaks, a public discussion series exploring the...


Inscripción 25ª. Jornadas de Conservación de Arte Contemporáneo

Los días 7 y 8 de marzo de 2024 se celebra la 25ª Jornada de Conservación de Arte Contemporáneo, organizada por el Museo Reina Sofía, con el patrocinio de Fundación MAPFRE. Se trata de un encuentro internacional que tiene como objetivo compartir y debatir experiencias e investigaciones, abrir nuevas...

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L’ICOM lance un appel à candidatures pour le poste de directeur général (F/M/X)

Le Conseil international des musées (ICOM) a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de l’appel à candidatures pour le poste de directeur.trice général.e. Figure clé du prochain chapitre de l’ICOM, le directeur.trice général.e sera chargé de superviser les opérations quotidiennes, de maintenir une...


Enhance Your Career with Our Sustainable Heritage Management Master's Program and Scholarship Opportunities

The Liverpool School of Architecture, UK, is offering a Master's programme in Sustainable Heritage Management, fully recognised by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK's leading body for conservation practitioners and historic environment experts. Moreover, the course...


Webinar : “Binding as conservation: practices, evolution, and challenges for the future”

The Preservation and Conservation Section of The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) would like to announce the following event: "Binding as conservation: practices, evolution, and challenges for the future" Bookbinding is an ancient practice in libraries: it is...

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Assistant/associate professor in wall paintings’ conservation

Your tasks include theoretical and practical teaching in the active and preventive conservation of wall paintings and methods of analysis and documentation. You will be responsible for teaching students in the pictorial art conservation programme at bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD level, participating...