From 27 to 29 February 2024, the third edition of the international conference CHAIN 2024, initiated by the network (CHAIN - Cultural Heritage Academic Interdisciplinary Network) created within the PhD in Science for Cultural Heritage and Production at the University of Catania, will be held in Catania. 

chain 2024

This year's conference is dedicated to Cultural Heritage Routes. Safeguarding, Participation, Sustainable Development and will feature three keynote speakers (Rosanna Cappelli, General Director of the Art, Exhibitions and Museums Division of Electa Mondadori; Cristina Gazzola, Muve Education, Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia; and Antonia Gravagnuolo, Researcher CNR ISPC - Institute of Heritage Science). 34 proposals out of the 52 submitted from all over the world will take part, involving scholars as well as professionals and organisations.

Please visit the official programme online on the website:  

How to participate                

The event will take place in hybrid mode: in presence at the "Vincenzo La Rosa" Lecture Hall - Palazzo Ingrassia of the Department of Humanities of the University of Catania and online on Teams. 

In order to participate online, it is necessary to register free of charge (to receive the links) on the site:

At the end of the conference, it will be possible to request a certificate of attendance for both types of participation.

For further info 



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