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تقدم قبل

Professional Fellow, Arches Project

The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) seeks applicants for a Professional Fellowship for the Arches Project, which supports the open-source Arches Heritage Data Management Platform. Arches integrates a robust suite of modern and innovative software tools, including semantic, geospatial, and web...


HeriCC 1st International Conference

HeriCC 1st International Conference: Heritage, Conservation and Creativity Cultural Heritage in transformation 9/10 October 2024 On the 9th and 10th of October 2024, the Technology, Restoration and Arts Enhancement Centre (TECHN&ART), from the Polytechnic University of Tomar (IPT), in Portugal, will...


11th Ibero-American Meeting of Museums : Learning, affection and memories

11th Ibero-American Meeting of Museums : Learning, affection and memories The 11th Ibero-American Meeting of Museums - Bicentennial Edition is an initiative of the Ibermuseums Program and the Ministry of Culture of Peru, through the Dirección General de Museos and takes place as part of the...

تقدم قبل

Archaeological Conservation Summer Internship, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis - Summer 2025, Summer 2026

Archaeological Conservation Summer Internship, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis - Summer 2025, Summer 2026 Deadline: October 7, 2024 Where : Turkey The Harvard-Cornell-led Archaeological Exploration of Sardis invites applicants for a two-year summer internship working as part of the conservation...


ISCMP Workshop - Call for Hosts

The ICOMOS ISCMP (International Scientific Committee on Mural Painting) is pleased to launch the CALL for HOSTS for its 1st INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, planned to be held in the second part of 2025. This exceptional event will mainly bring together all members of the ICOMOS ISCMP and represents a unique...


Los plásticos inestables en colecciones de museos

Hoy en día muchos objetos en colecciones de museos están hechos o tienen componentes hechos de plásticos inestables que pueden deteriorarse fácilmente. En algunos casos, el deterioro de estos materiales puede incluso crear problemas en otros materiales y objetos aledaños por lo que se requieren...


Interpreting and Displaying Historic Dress

This virtual seminar examines the ways and means required to transform tired, flat garments (post 1720) into memorable displays of fashionable dress. The steps required from box to display case are discussed: assessing a garment and identifying its date and construction; discerning the type of...

تقدم قبل

Paid Graduate Internships at the Getty Conservation Institute

Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 Getty Graduate Internship program! Opportunities are available in the GCI’s Buildings & Sites, Collections, and Science departments, and the GCI Information Center. For a full list of internship descriptions, see https://www.getty.edu/projects/graduate...

تقدم قبل

Project Research Associate (m/f/d)

University for Continuing Education Krems The University for Continuing Education Krems specializes in part-time academic continuing education. As a public university for continuing education, it works with its expertise in teaching and research to overcome societal challenges and tailors its study...


Pigments and Inks in Medieval Texts

This virtual seminar will explore current work on the scientific identification of the inks and pigments used in medieval texts, and on the cultural implications of the newest findings. It will also consider the challenge of recovering erased texts, taking a particularly difficult and intriguing...