The 8th edition of the internationally renowned event Architectural Finishes Research Conference will take place from 29 May through 1 June 2024, both in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and online.

Specialists will gather from around the world to exchange ideas and new developments in the interpretation, preservation, documentation and management of historical architectural finishes (from paint to other colourful materials). This conference promises to be ideal for nurturing a more professional and cohesive global Architectural Paint and Finishes Research community.


Historic finishes researchers will present their research findings and exchange ideas on a variety of subjects. Themes are the usage of standards, innovative techniques and skills, health and climate awareness, lessons learned from past projects, trans-cultural influences, and the specific perspective of the Low Countries in relation to AFR. Furthermore, the conference features keynote speeches by Prof. dr. Claudine Houbart (ULiège) and Prof. dr. Katrien Keune (UvA Faculty of Science, Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences). A wide variety of on-site visits will take participants to several AFR projects conducted in the Netherlands.

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