International Summer School on Communication and Teaching skills in Conservation and Science
13 – 24 July 2015. Rome, Italy

The second edition of the International Summer School on Communication and Teaching skills in Conservation and Science began on 15 July at the ICCROM headquarters in Rome. This two-week training session has brought together professionals from a variety of countries and backgrounds to explore the potential of different didactic approaches, approaches to learning about conservation and science, and revisiting existing practices. Learning is taking place through interactive sessions both in the classroom and around Rome.


The first session was aimed to know each other by asking, “Who are we and where have we come to do what?”

Participants reflect on how one might be limited by assumptions, and the meaning of being interdisciplinary in relation to conservation and science. They also explored their teaching methods and discussed how teaching and learning go together, and what makes learning engaging.


One of the first outdoor exercises was the use of new media as a tool. After a short lecture by Darius Arya on social media at ICCROM headquarters, participants went to the Isola Tiberina. There they had fun finding creative ways to communicate the island’s history, relate it to their own field and engage their target audience. This exercise was live broadcasted through Periscope and Twitter with the course’s hashtag: #communicatingconservation


Participants consider ways of documenting a collection and mapping culture.


These insights were put into practice on 18 July when participants went to Vallinfreda to learn how to make pasta from Italian speaking grannies


After course sessions, the team and participants meet at Villa Lante for a relaxed evening and to continue exploring innovative and effective modalities of both learning and teaching core concepts of conservation and science.


Member states represented: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, India, Japan,  Latvia, Mexico, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania, United Kingdom