Glass is recognised as a material that is susceptible to damage from many possible sources e.g. water, everyday use, impact and even neglect. This seminar, based on the presenter’s long experience in the field of conservation of glass, looks at the issues, materials and techniques associated with the correct care and cleaning of archaeological, historical and modern glass objects, including the repair and re-repair of broken glass objects, gap-filling for both colourless and coloured glass and appropriate and safe handling.

In 2020 Stephen Koob retired from his position as Conservator at the Corning Museum of Glass* where he had worked since 1998. Prior to this, he was conservator, specializing in ceramics and glass, at the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. He has introduced new materials and techniques for repairing and restoring broken objects and presented these developments to the conservation world through lectures and publications. He has taught at several conservation training programmes and held many workshops on Glass Conservation for IAP in USA and Europe and continues to work as a consultant on glass conservation around the globe. He is the author of the book, Conservation and Care of Glass Objects (2006).

* Corning Museum of Glass has the largest collection of glass in the world, including archaeological glass from 3,500 years ago to modern and contemporary art glass.

إعلانات إيكروم المبوبة هي خدمة للمؤسسات المهنية في دولها الأعضاء. وتتطرق الإعلانات المبوبة الإعلانات إلى الموضوعات والأحداث المتعلقة بالحفظ في جميع أنحاء العالم. وهذه المعلومات متاحة لجمهور إيكروم لأغراض إعلامية فقط. إن نشر العناصر في الإعلانات المبوبة لا يعني موافقة مركز إيكروم.

تحتفظ إيكروم بالحق في الإشراف على المحتوى المنشور في الإعلانات المبوبة ويجوز لها إزالة أو تحرير أي محتوى لأي سبب أو بدون سبب، بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، المحتوى الذي يعتبر خارج النطاق أو غير متسق مع الوضع الحكومي الدولي لمنظمة إيكروم.

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