East Asian Papers in Conservation: History, Identification and Use 

Saturday 20 January 2024 (10:00-16:00), London Metropolitan Archives, UK 

Join us for an exciting event at the London Metropolitan Archives where we will delve into the fascinating world of East Asian papers. Discover the rich history, learn how to identify these unique papers, and explore their various uses in conservation. The event will be led by Megumi Mizumura, a senior conservator at the British Museum, with contributions from Takao Moriki, a paper merchant who will join us remotely from Japan. 

The day is split into two sessions, which can be booked separately: 

  • Our morning session is an engaging talk on the history of papermaking, from East Asia to the Middle East and Europe, focussing particularly on Japan. 
  • The afternoon session is a two-part practical workshop in our conservation studio. The first part covers wheat starch paste and the use of wooden pasting boards. The second will explore identification and uses of Japanese papers for conservation. 

Tea and coffee will be provided for both sessions. 

Ticket options: 

  • Morning talk only: £10 
  • Full-day ticket, including talk and practical workshop: £75 

This jam-packed day will be a great opportunity for conservators and enthusiasts to learn historic and practical applications of East Asian paper and provide a fun way to network! 

Book now via Eventbrite 

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