Tools and resources in preventive conservation: the user perspective

Where do heritage professionals look for when they are in need of advice on preventive conservation? How do they update their knowledge? As promoters and producers of preventive conservation knowledge, ICCROM and the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) wanted to know more... A little less than a year ago, they posted a survey on ICCROM website (in English only).

Within two weeks, 444 professionals from 70 countries replied. They told us about the context in which they work and learn, their commitment to lifelong learning, the way they like to learn and which resources they prefer. At their request, we are pleased to share here the summary of findings of this snap-shot survey, rich of insights to design future resources!

For further interpretation see: Lambert, S., Antomarchi, C., Johnson, K., Stevenson, J., Debulpaep, M., and Katrakazis, T. 2018. Preventive conservation on demand: Developing tools and learning resources for the next generation of collections professionals. IIC Preprints, Turin, Italy, September 2018. (publication in press)