ICCROM Member States Information Briefing 2024
This gathering provided an opportunity to introduce Member State representatives to ICCROM's ongoing work, focusing on ICCROM's impact and stories...
Recorded sounds and images are an integral part of our daily lives and play an important role in our heritage. These materials educate, inspire, and shape our views about the past, present and future.
Cultural and memory institutions often have valuable sound and image collections but lack the skills and resources to safeguard them and provide access. Audiovisual content is frequently trapped in obsolete formats (e.g. video cassettes) due to lack of opportunity to migrate to modern formats.
Even as audio and visual collections grow exponentially, the resources available to the institutions that care for them remain fixed. Unless urgent action is taken, most sound and image heritage from the last century will disappear.
This gathering provided an opportunity to introduce Member State representatives to ICCROM's ongoing work, focusing on ICCROM's impact and stories...
Whether you're a heritage professional or simply passionate about preserving cultural heritage, our newsletter has something for you!
I would like to thank all of you for the outstanding support I received during my six-year term as Director-General...