Cambiamenti Climatici e Beni Culturali. Dalla valutazione degli impatti alla gestione del rischio

CNR ISAC and CNR Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences are pleased to invite you on May 30 in Rome at CNR Headquarters to the conference "Climate Change and Cultural Heritage. From Impact Assessment to Risk Management."
The event, organized on the occasion of the #CNR100, as part of the "Open Doors at CNR" initiatives, is sponsored by the ERASMUS + CHePiCC online project, under the patronage of ICCROM - conserving culture, promoting diversity, ICOMOS Italia and ICOM Italy.
The event aims to promote cooperation and knowledge exchange between experts from the world of research and the different actors holding or managing assets involved, at different levels, in the decision-making process for the protection and preservation of national cultural heritage at risk from extreme events related to climate change.

The event will be in-person only - registration is required.