Visit of a group of archivists at ICCROM

On 25 October, two groups of representatives of photographic archives of Rome-based institutions visited ICCROM Archives. Representatives included the American Academy in Rome; Bibliotheca Hertziana; Sapienza University of Rome; Fondazione Marco Besso; and Institutions of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, including The Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation, The Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography "Luigi Pigorini", National Institute of Archaeology and History of Art - INASA (Palazzo Venezia); German Archaeological Institute in Rome etc.

Visit of a group of archivists at ICCROM

This is part of a series of visits carried out by the network of Rome-based photographic archives, which organized the exhibition ‘Alfabeto fotografico romano’ at Palazzo Poli. ICCROM participated with a series of 10 photographs. News at the link: They were welcomed by María Mata Caravaca, Archivist, Knowledge and Communication Services.

Member State represented: Italy, Germany, United States.