Created in response to the recommendations of the Special Thematic Session on Risk Management for Cultural Heritage held at the 2005 UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction, the objective of this course is to provide an overview of the various aspects of disaster risk management for cultural heritage. It provides interdisciplinary training for undertaking an integrated approach to risk assessments, systems for disaster risk management that incorporate disaster preparedness and urban planning, and risk management plans that correspond to existing regional disaster management plans. It also encourages strengthening the international network for disaster risk management for cultural heritage.
The course is designed for cultural heritage professionals and those from the disaster risk management field. By mixing disciplines, we encourage dialogue and the integration of heritage concerns into the larger planning framework for disaster risk management.
This course is funded and coordinated by the Ritsumeikan University Research Centre for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage (Rits DMUCH) in Kyoto, Japan, and implemented in partnership with ICCROM, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, and ICOMOS.