International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property


20 digital technologists and community representatives from Eastern and Southern Africa will participate in the lab that will be facilitated by regional and international experts from Electric South, the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) and UNESCO.

UNESCO and partners to host “World Heritage Futures Lab: Southern and Eastern Africa edition” in Namibia

The “World Heritage Futures Lab: Southern and Eastern Africa edition” will facilitate the development and dissemination of dynamic digital content and products for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the contribution of World Heritage in Southern and Eastern Africa to sustainable development and lasting peace. It will enhance the capacities of African creative technologists and local communities living in or around selected Southern and Eastern African World Heritage sites to interpret World Heritage values and contribute to the development of new attractive and engaging narratives about World Heritage sites in the two regions. The lab will also enhance African creative technologists’ capacities on experiential and immersive digital technologies.

Sharjah hosts a workshop on the W. Sudan Comm. Museums Project

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, the Regional Office for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Arab Region (ICCROM - Sharjah) in cooperation with the National Cooperation of Antiquities and Museums in Sudan (NCAM) and The Africa Institute, organises a workshop on the Western Sudan Community Museums (WSCM) project on 8 December 2022 at The Africa Institute in Sharjah.

Saudi Arabia's Culture Ministry concludes Creative Cities training program

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Culture has concluded a training course on the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) as part of a series of courses within its "Experts Program", a joint program between the Saudi ministry and the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).

Bénin, le formidable succès de l’Expo sur les biens culturels restitués

L’exposition Art du Bénin d’hier et d’aujourd’hui : de la restitution à la révélation a accueilli en un an 190000 visiteurs, soit plus de 4 600 visiteurs en moyenne par jour, a déclaré à RFI ce vendredi 11 novembre Alain Godonou, Directeur du Programme Musées de l’Agence Nationale de promotion des Patrimoines et du Tourisme au Bénin (ANPT), rattachée à la Présidence de la République et ancien élève du programme PREMA de l’ICCROM (Prévention dans les Musées Africains).

نفذتها مؤسسات عالمية دورة تدريبية للحفاظ على الفسيفساء في الأردن

نفذتها مؤسسات عالمية دورة تدريبية للحفاظ على الفسيفساء في الأردن

Mudança climática, uma ameaça para o Patrimônio Mundial

O Patrimônio Mundial da Humanidade reconhece 1.154 sítios: 897 são bens culturais; 218, zonas naturais; e 39, uma mistura de ambos. De acordo com especialistas ouvidos pela AFP, muitos deles se veem ameaçados pela mudança climática.

Entre as ameaças, Rohit Jigyasu, do Centro Internacional de Estudos de Conservação e Restauração de Bens Culturais (ICCROM), cita "inundações, furacões, ciclones e tufões", assim como incêndios "mais frequentes".

Environnement : le changement climatique, principale menace pour le patrimoine de l’humanité

Sur les 1 154 sites du patrimoine mondial de l’humanité, dont 897 sont des biens culturels, 218 sont des zones naturelles et 39 un mélange des deux, nombreux sont menacés par le changement climatique, affirment tous les experts.

Rohit Jigyasu, du Centre international d’études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (ICCROM), pointe des « inondations, ouragans, cyclones et typhons » mais aussi les incendies « beaucoup plus fréquents » qui ont un « énorme impact » sur ces trésors.

Patrimonio culturale a rischio, al via programma Iila-Fondazione Scuola beni culturali

L’impatto del cambiamento climatico sull’aumento di eventi naturali e cause antropogeniche rappresenta una costante minaccia per il patrimonio culturale. Con l’obiettivo di rafforzarne la protezione e le strategie di gestione dei rischi in situazioni di emergenza, l’Organizzazione Internazionale Italo-Latino Americana (IILA) e la Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali lanciano “Patrimonio cultural: riesgos y gestión”, seconda edizione del programma di alta formazione volto all’incontro e allo scambio tra i professionisti latinoamericani e italiani. Al centro, temi di urgenza condivisa a livello internazionale, con l’obiettivo di promuovere sinergie e condividere strategie tra quanti si occupano della gestione del patrimonio culturale. Realizzata con il contribuito del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione (DGCS/MAECI), e in collaborazione con il Centro Internazionale per la Conservazione e il Restauro dei Beni Culturali (ICCROM), la Direzione Generale per la Sicurezza del Patrimonio Culturale del Ministero della Cultura, il Comando dei Carabinieri per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, questa edizione del programma intende favorire la costruzione di una comunità di professionisti preparata nel sostenere protocolli di intervento e sincronizzare le azioni necessarie, in caso di emergenza, per la protezione del patrimonio culturale nei Paesi dell’America Latina.