readings in conservation of mosaics in Arabic

ICCROM and the Getty Foundation have published the first compilation of readings in the conservation of mosaics in Arabic, for free download.

Over the last ten years, the conservation of mosaic heritage has been the focus of the MOSAIKON initiative led by four international organizations: ICCROM, the Getty Foundation, the Getty Conservation Institute and the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM). Focused on professional and technical training, research, conferences, publications and networking, MOSAIKON has resulted in a strengthening of capacities and professional networks of practitioners in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean.

Until today, very little specialized literature in Arabic existed on this topic. This publication aims to fill that gap and to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of knowledge in the region.

Using a selection of essential texts from the last 30 years, the publication illustrates the key issues and concepts in the field of archaeological mosaic conservation. It begins with a historical and technical overview of the mosaic heritage of the region, with many illustrations, and includes summaries of the key charters and conventions on conservation of cultural heritage. The multilingual glossary contains over 230 terms, 40 of which are also defined in a lexicon.

Considerable research and discussion by the dedicated, hard working team, drawn from diverse professions and nations, ensured the appropriate selection of texts, a comprehensive glossary, as well as an accurate and faithful translation of the originals.

What key issues and concepts are addressed in the publication?

  • Historical and technical overview of the mosaic heritage in the Mediterranean Basin, and introduction to the theory of mosaic conservation (Part 1)
  • Planning, management, and decision-making in conservation (Part 2)
  • Different approaches and tools for conservation recording and documentation (Part 3)
  • Principles and examples of material deterioration and of conservation treatments (Part 4)
  • Reburial and protective shelters as preventive conservation measures (Part 5)

Download it and share it with Arabic-speaking heritage professionals and students. For more information, please contact