Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali
New foresight study

New foresight study by ICCROM

ICCROM is undertaking a new foresight study as part of the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe (ARCHE) project. Our forward-looking study will provide key evidence regarding future needs, to inform the development of a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for heritage in...

Strengthening Capacities of World Heritage Professionals In the Arab Region for Cultural and Natural Sites

Strengthening Capacities of World Heritage Professionals In the Arab Region for Cultural and Natural Sites

The Strengthening Capacities of World Heritage Professionals in the Arab Region for Cultural and Natural Sites, in English, will be held from 29 January to 2 February 2023 in Aswan, Arab Republic of Egypt. Completed application forms should be submitted by Saturday, 26 November 2022 at the latest.

World Heritage Futures Lab

World Heritage Futures Lab: Southern & Eastern Africa Edition

We invite you to apply and participate in the new World Heritage Futures Lab: Southern and Eastern Africa Edition. Apply by by 16 November 2022.

Yocucu Conference

YOCOCU 2022 Conference

The YOCOCU 2022 Conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and results on multiple subjects related to Cultural Heritage.

Seconda edizione del programma: "Patrimonio cultural: riesgos y gestión"

Seconda edizione del programma: "Patrimonio cultural: riesgos y gestión"

Quando il patrimonio culturale è a rischio: scambio di buone pratiche tra Italia e America Latina. Al via il programma di IILA e Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali che mette in dialogo 115 professionisti latinoamericani con colleghi italiani ed esperti internazionali per la...

The World in Florence

The World in Florence

Il Festival dei Luoghi Parlanti “The World in Florence” è una occasione unica di incontro, scambio e formazione/aggiornamento sul tema del patrimonio come veicolo di pace e di coesione sociale.

Launch Event: ABC Risk Management System for Cultural Heritage

Launch Event: ABC Risk Management System for Cultural Heritage

On 4 November at 3 pm CET (11 am UTC-3), ICCROM, the Ciência e Saúde para a Soberania e a Democracia, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) and Casa de Oswaldo Cruz will hold a virtual launch event for the ABC Risk Management System for Cultural Heritage.

International Symposium on Mitigating Fire Risk

International Symposium on Mitigating Fire Risk

As part of the first PREVENT workshop’s post-training follow-up, held in November 2021, ICCROM’s First Aid and Resilience (FAR) team will hold an international symposium on fire risk mitigation. The event will take place on 17 and 18 October 2022 in Trogir, Croatia, and will be live streamed on Zoom...

SDH launch

Partecipa al lancio del nuovo programma “Sostenere il patrimonio digitale” il 18 luglio

A fronte di un mondo digitale in continua espansione, l'ICCROM lancia un nuovo programma, Sostenere il Patrimonio Digitale (SDH), il 18 luglio 2022. Il programma aiuterà i professionisti e le istituzioni a superare le sfide interconnesse della conservazione digitale a lungo termine e dell'accesso...

Seminar on History of Built Heritage Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Seminar on History of Built Heritage Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean

El Grupo de Investigación Historia y Teoría de la Conservación Patrimonial en América Latina y el Caribe es una iniciativa del ICCROM, la Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) y la Universidad de Playa Ancha (UPLA).