Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali

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ICCROM and Fondazione Sign MoU to Foster World Heritage Practitioners for Nomination Processes and Strategies in Africa

ICCROM and Fondazione Sign MoU to Foster World Heritage Practitioners for Nomination Processes and Strategies in Africa

On 9 July 2024, at the headquarters of ICCROM, a significant step was taken towards enhancing the representation of Africa's rich heritage on the UNESCO World Heritage List. ICCROM and Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the project "World Heritage in Africa – Fostering Practitioners for Nomination Processes and...

On 3 July, ICCROM Director-General had the honour of receiving the visit of H.E. Ambassador Santos Alvaro, the Ambassador of Mozambique to Italy to ICCROM’s Headquarters.

Visit from Ambassador of Mozambique

On 3 July, ICCROM Director-General had the honour of receiving the visit of H.E. Ambassador Santos Alvaro, the Ambassador of Mozambique to Italy to ICCROM’s Headquarters.

The 2nd Council Meeting of the Alliance for Cultural Heritage In Qingdao

La seconda riunione del Consiglio dell'Alleanza per il patrimonio culturale a Qingdao

Il 19 giugno si è svolta a Qingdao, in Cina, la seconda riunione del Consiglio dell'Alleanza per il patrimonio culturale in Asia (ACHA). L'evento ha riunito esperti provenienti da tutta l'Asia e non solo, per discutere e promuovere la conservazione del patrimonio culturale.

This gathering provided an opportunity to introduce Member State representatives to ICCROM's ongoing work, focusing on ICCROM's impact and stories of change from around the world. These efforts lay the groundwork for a brighter future for ICCROM and the heritage conservation sector as a whole, as we are preparing for our new Strategic Framework 2026-2031.

Incontro informativo per gli Stati membri dell'ICCROM 2024

L'incontro ha offerto l'opportunità di presentare ai rappresentanti degli Stati membri il lavoro in corso e i risultati ottenuti dall'ICCROM, concentrandosi sull'impatto dell'ICCROM e sulle storie di cambiamento provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Kenya Heritage Hub Launched: A New Era for Youth Empowerment and Cultural Innovation

Lanciato il Kenya Heritage Hub: Una nuova era per l'emancipazione dei giovani e l'innovazione culturale

Il Kenya Heritage Hub è stato lanciato ufficialmente il 12 giugno a Nairobi, segnando un'occasione per il patrimonio culturale e l'autoaffermazione dei giovani in Kenya. L'evento ha riunito una stimata assemblea di diplomatici di vari Paesi.

On 21 May 2024, ICCROM Director-General Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral hosted HE Jeffrey Prescott, Ambassador of the U.S. Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome, at ICCROM headquarters. Ambassador Prescott, accompanied by Dionandrea Shorts, Alternate Permanent Representative to USUN, presented his credentials and engaged in fruitful discussions on the longstanding partnership between ICCROM and the United States.

ICCROM Welcomes USUN Ambassador Jeffrey Prescott

On 21 May 2024, ICCROM Director-General Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral hosted HE Jeffrey Prescott, Ambassador of the U.S. Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome, at ICCROM headquarters. Ambassador Prescott, accompanied by Dionandrea Shorts, Alternate Permanent Representative to USUN, presented his credentials and engaged in fruitful discussions on the longstanding partnership between ICCROM and the...

 Visit from the Government of Spain 

Visit from the Government of Spain

On 17 May, the Director-General of ICCROM, Aruna Francesca Maria Gujral, and ICCROM staff had the pleasure of meeting with Guillermo Escribano Manzano, Director General of Spanish in the World, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation; Pablo Rupérez Pascualena, Advisor to the Directorate General for Spanish in the World; and Moisés Morera Martín, Alternate Permanent Representative of Spain...

ACCU Nara and ICCROM sign Memorandum of Understanding to support cultural heritage protection activities in the Asia-Pacific region

ACCU Nara and ICCROM sign Memorandum of Understanding to support cultural heritage protection activities in the Asia-Pacific region

On 9 May 2024, at our headquarters in Rome, ICCROM and ACCU Nara (the Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office of the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to bolster cultural heritage protection efforts in the Asia-Pacific region.

ICCROM signed a Memorandum of Understanding  with the World Urban Planning Education Network (WUPEN)

ICCROM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Urban Planning Education Network (WUPEN)

On 9 May 2024, ICCROM formalized a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Urban Planning Education Network (WUPEN), marking a significant milestone in our joint commitment to advancing sustainable development and the protection of cultural heritage globally, especially within rapidly urbanizing areas.

Visit from CNR

Visit from CNR

Yesterday, ICCROM's Director-General welcomed Costanza Milani, Director of the Institute of Heritage Science and Vania Virgili, Technological Manager from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and interim Director General of E-RIHS, to fortify the longstanding relationship between the two organizations, and explore new avenues for collaboration.