In this seminar, David Scott examines the sophisticated metallurgical techniques used in the fabrication of bronze mirrors, which were used in China from the 3rd millennium BC to recent times – some 4,000 years of bronze technology. The different ways mirrors could be made reflect the broader techniques employed in China for metal casting. Examples from different Dynasties will be illustrated and discussed. The problem of the authenticity of ancient Chinese bronze mirrors is a complex one, and examples of these will also be addressed in the context of the milieux in which they were produced. The patinas and corrosion, as well as surface examination under the binocular microscope, are important for studying the authenticity of such mirrors, and examples will be given.

David A. Scott is a Professor Emeritus, at UCLA Department of Art History, Los Angeles and was the founding Director of the UCLA/Getty Conservation Training Programme, which began accepting graduate students in 2005. He was head of the Museum Services Laboratory at the Getty Museum from 1989-2003., Before taking up this post, he was a Lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology, London, teaching conservation and conservation science. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2013 and authorizes eight books and over 150 peer-reviewed papers. He now lives in Hastings in the UK and continues teaching and researching while pursuing Cyanotype art.

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