Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali

Per garantire una sinergia e una collaborazione più produttive, ci impegniamo a tenervi informati sulle ultime novità e sui prossimi eventi per rafforzare i legami con e tra i nostri Stati membri. 

Ukraine gets its first National Team of Cultural First Aiders to support Cultural Recovery

Ukraine gets its first National Team of Cultural First Aiders to support Cultural Recovery

ICCROM Welcomes Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

ICCROM Welcomes Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Strengthening Ukraine's Capacities to Safeguard and Recover its Cultural Heritage

Strengthening Ukraine's Capacities to Safeguard and Recover its Cultural Heritage

Call for Applications for ICCROM Awards 2025

Sono aperte le candidature per il premio ICCROM 2023

On 3 July, ICCROM Director-General had the honour of receiving the visit of H.E. Ambassador Santos Alvaro, the Ambassador of Mozambique to Italy to ICCROM’s Headquarters.

Visit from Ambassador of Mozambique

ICCROM and Ireland's National Mo

L'ICCROM e il National Monuments Service irlandese istituiscono un Fondo per borse di studio per professionisti del patrimonio provenienti dall'Africa e dai SIDS

The 2nd Council Meeting of the Alliance for Cultural Heritage In Qingdao

La seconda riunione del Consiglio dell'Alleanza per il patrimonio culturale a Qingdao

This gathering provided an opportunity to introduce Member State representatives to ICCROM's ongoing work, focusing on ICCROM's impact and stories of change from around the world. These efforts lay the groundwork for a brighter future for ICCROM and the heritage conservation sector as a whole, as we are preparing for our new Strategic Framework 2026-2031.

Incontro informativo per gli Stati membri dell'ICCROM 2024

Kenya Heritage Hub Launched: A New Era for Youth Empowerment and Cultural Innovation

Lanciato il Kenya Heritage Hub: Una nuova era per l'emancipazione dei giovani e l'innovazione culturale

ICCROM-BFU Heritage and Landscape Conservation Conference 2024

ICCROM-BFU Heritage and Landscape Conservation Conference 2024